C-None is natural anti- biotic composed from barks and leaves of tropical plants in Cameroon. C-None is believed to be unique in the world for the cure of Asthma Coughs and other lung infections. Preparation. Boil whole content of sachet in 2 liters of water in a closed pot for 20 minutes.

0-5 months, take 2 teaspoons with a teaspoon of honey, 4x daily 5 months-1year, take 2 tablespoons with a tablespoon of honey 4x daily.
2-5 years, take 1⁄4 glass with a tablespoon of honey, 4x daily 6-10 years, take 1/3 glass with a tablespoon of honey 4x daily.
11-18 years, take 1⁄2 glass with 2 tablespoons of honey 4x daily. 19 years and above, take 1 glass with 2 tablespoons of honey 4x daily.

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